Photogrammetry Services


High-resolution aerial maps for site planning, spatial analysis, and precise measurements, delivered quickly and cost-effectively.


Create accurate 3D models of landscapes for earthworks, slope analysis, and detailed topographic visualization


Accurately calculate stockpile volumes, excavation quantities, or material usage with aerial photogrammetry data.


Create detailed 3D models of structures for inspections, construction progress tracking, and project visualization


Analyze crop health, monitor vegetation, and optimize yields using NDVI and multispectral aerial mapping.


Detect heat loss, moisture intrusion, and structural issues with thermal orthomosaics and 3D thermographic models

How We Work

Our process begins with understanding and engaging deeply with our clients' goals and project requirements. We immerse ourselves in the unique context of each site, uncovering opportunities that lie within the landscape or structure. This hands-on approach, which we call “exploring the site,” allows us to align our methods with the specific environment, ensuring each project reflects its inherent potential.

Every project we undertake is part of a larger system – whether it’s contributing to safer infrastructure, better environmental stewardship, or more efficient workflows. We strive to deliver results that not only meet immediate objectives but also align with a more sustainable and forward-thinking vision.

Collaboration is at the heart of our work. Together with our clients and industry partners, we identify and nurture opportunities for positive change. Our team of skilled drone pilots, photogrammetry specialists, and data analysts guide projects through every stage – from initial planning and data capture to advanced processing and actionable insights.

We also work closely with a network of expert consultants, ensuring our solutions are precise, innovative, and of the highest quality. Whether it’s mapping complex terrain, creating detailed 3D models, or providing tailored deliverables, our goal is to elevate every project we touch.

Photogrammetry Process & Deliverables

Consultation & Planning

Discuss project goals and requirements.

Data Capture

Efficient aerial or ground-based data collection

Process & Analysis

Using advanced software for precise results.

Delivery & Support

Final Deliverables and ongoing assistance


Seamless, high-resolution aerial images georeferenced for GIS applications.

Digital Elevation Models (DEMs)

Bare-earth elevation models for topographical analysis.

Contour Maps

Customizable contour intervals for land-use planning and engineering.

Volumetric Reports

Detailed measurements of stockpile volumes with reports for asset management.

Digital Surface Models (DSMs)

Elevation data that includes vegetation, buildings, and other above-ground features.

Point Clouds

Dense 3D point clouds for detailed spatial data visualization and analysis.

3D Models

Realistic and interactive 3D representations for presentations, VR/AR integration, or project visualization.

GIS & CAD Integration Files

Deliverables in formats compatible with GIS (e.g., .shp, .geojson) and CAD (e.g., .dwg, .dxf) platforms.

Spotlight Service

3D Roof Models for Inspection and Measurement

A commercial roofing consultant came to us with a challenge – to find a safe and detailed way to inspect a large hotel roof that had a bvery steep pitch. Inspecting on foot with regular cameras and tape measure would have been very costly and risky. Our solution was to use our drones, equipped with wide and zoom lenses, to captured RGB imagery from multiple angles over the entire roof. In addition to single images, we ran multiple mapping missions with overlapping images, to create a high resolution 3D photogrammetric point cloud and mesh model with textures.

The result? An accurate interactive 3D model with centimeter level accuracy, that allowed the client to inspect and measure every part of the roof without stepping foot on the steep surface. Time and risk saving!

Click the interactive 3D model below:

Related Articles & Guides

Understanding Photogrammetry:

A Guide to Its Applications and Benefits

Does Splitting and Merging Pix4D Matic Projects Speed Up Processing Times?